Welcome to Start1stgo!

hand-painted wall art in home

Contact Me For More Ideas About Customizing Your New Home Or Join Investing Team Today!

想了解有关怎样拥有一个自己独特风格的新家或开始加入投资房产方面的更多想法,都可以随时联系我, 很开心与您分享!

Like to know what is the current value for your house?

My House Value

Seller service pledge certificate

As an independently owned and operated Century21 office, we are dedicated to providing you with service that is professional, courteous and responsive in helping you market your property. To fulfill this commitment, we agree to provide you with the following services:
1. Dedicate ourselves to making the process of selling your home as easy and successful as possible.
2. Respect you and your needs and be honest and forthright, in accordance with Fair Housing regulations and ethical real estate practices.
3. Hold your best interests in the highest regard throughout the processs.
4. Value and respect your time, being as efficient and effective as possible.
5. Endeavor to always understand your needs and respond quickly.
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hand-painted wall art in home hand-painted wall art in home

contact me to get the key for your first home!



Would you like to purchase a new house?

如果您刚好准备买入第一套房产,就联系我吧! 让我用具有艺术感的眼光帮您推荐高品优质的格局,按照您的新房格局量身设计内置方案,让您拥有一个清新舒适的生活空间,来迎接崭新的生活 :)

If you are thinking about buying your first property, please contact me! With my artistic vision, I can recommend you high-quality layouts, and design built-in solutions tailored to your new house layout, so you can enjoy a fresh and comfortable living space and welcome a new life! :)

hand-painted wall art in home

Like To Join The Investing Team? Feel Free To Contact Me, It's My Pleasure To Share My Knowledge With You, And If Necessary, I Could Recommend A Quality Construction Team For You. Welcome!!

如果您也刚好有投资房产的意愿,联系我吧!为您推荐优质的装修团队,我会尽我所能的帮您打造一个高端大气的第一间投资房,第二间...... 欢迎您的加入 !!


First of all, thank you for clicking my video! And, do you have a visual on how you would like to design your first home?

看看您的房子焕然一新后的感觉,绝对会是自己梦想房子的样子!因为您的一个转念, 您将迎接崭新的生活环境,房子可以完全按照自己的审美来打造, 例如:厨房,卫生间,地板,台面, 墙壁颜色,等等... 以及空间和格局的轻微调整。那么,如果您厌倦了现有的房子,想换新的地段或者好点的居住环境, 都可以考虑这个方案。如果作为投资房,重新装修过的房又会有什么价值呢? 点开以下视频,感受一下您的新房子会有的样子。有任何关于怎样把现有房子里的现金价值兑现, 在不投入很多的前提下换成视频中显示的居住环境,又或者是想为孩子将来准备,需要换个好点的区域之 类的问题都可以随时联系我,请随时发信息给我注明:“想换新房子”, 有投资意愿的注明“想投资房产” 我会第一时间联系您,解答您对投资或换房相关的所有问题, 陪同您一起探讨适合您的方案和完成整个过程。
为您打造更美好的居住环境和为您的房子增添更高的价值 $$$ 是我的责任和荣幸。

See what your dream home could look like after renovating a house of your choice! You are the key to unlocking your new home’s potential. With nearly no limits, you are able to precisely determine the exact appearance of your new home. If you are looking to sell your house after the renovation process, there is a great opportunity for profit as the value of the house will increase significantly. Click on the video to get an idea of what your new house can look like! If you have any concerns such as - how to replace your existing home, cash out the cash value of the current house, and replace it with the living environment shown in the video without investing a lot, or if you have other reasons for changing locations. You may Contact Me at any time. Please Send Me A Message: “Replace House” or “Invest Real Estate” I will contact you as soon as possible, and answer all your questions about the house change. I’d be more than happy to help you go through the whole process.
It is my honor to create a better living environment for you and increase your house’s value. $$$

Buyer service pledge certificate

As an independently owned and operated Century21 office, we are dedicated to providing you with service that is professional, courteous and responsive in helping you find a property. To fulfill this commitment, we agree to provide you with the following services:
1. Respect you, your needs and communicate in an honest and forthright manner.
2. Make the process of buying your next home as easy and as successful as possible.
3. Value and respect your time, being as efficient and effective as possible.
4. Understand your needs and respond quickly.
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Sample Video Of Wall Art Design

1. Wall Art In The Backyard wall

2. Drywall Art Design In The Stairway

3. Backyard Wall Art Design Sunrise on The Fence

4. Interior Two Pieces Of Wall Art

今天有缘能够看到我的视频,也许给您的新房一个全新的视觉体现,我是个房产经纪人,由于工作性质的因素,有机会接触各式各样的房型,加上自己喜欢画画,就把两个结合一起,可以按照房型设计一幅手绘墙画,为新房添彩,也为您打造一个具有个人特色的居家环境。视频会记录一些我的作品设计作为参考,和一些装修效果。 希望这个视频可以给您未来的生活带来憧憬,如果有更多关于个性化新居的相关问题可以随时发邮件或者信息给我,很开心可以帮您推开新生活的第一道门 :)

I am glad you had the chance to view my video. I am a real estate agent. Combining my experience of observing homes with my painting experience, we can design an excellent hand-painted wall painting based on the room type and a preferred color palette to create a home environment with personal characteristics for you. The video will record some of my work designs as a reference, and some decoration effects. I hope this video can give you a vision for your future life. If you have more questions about your new personalized home, please feel free to send me an email or message. I am very happy to help you open the first doors to your new life. :)